August 1, 2023

How to Achieve a More Simple Life

What steps are you taking in your everyday life to simplify your stressors? The first week of August marks Simplify Your Life Week, a time to refocus priorities, organize your physical and mental spaces, and reduce your stress. While we can’t remove every complicated aspect from your life, we’re offering tried and true starting places to ease yourself into a simpler life.

Declutter and Donate

Whether you’re moving, remodeling, or just cleaning up your home, it can feel overwhelming to declutter and clean an entire space. Instead, tackle the project in small amounts. When things begin to feel stressful, take a little break! By doing one box of decluttering or one area of cleaning a day, you can get more tasks done throughout the day instead of burning out.

Take Care of Debt

If you feel like a large chunk of your income is going toward debt or credit card payments, you aren’t alone! According to a report from TransUnion, Americans carry about $5,733 on average in credit card debt.

Your debt-to-income ratio is closely examined when you apply for a large purchase to ensure your finances can handle payments. By consolidating your open debts or loans, you may be able to simplify your monthly payments and take some pressure off your finances. Debt consolidation can also aid with budgeting and spending by giving you a more concise look at your spending habits.

Digital Cleanse

The amount of time we spend online has increased dramatically in a short span of time. With more information readily available than before, it’s easy to feel like we’re in a digital and information overload. According to a Forbes Advisor article, the average person spends about two hours and seven minutes on social media a day.

Being pulled into applications and aimless scrolling can affect your productivity, mood, and attention span. Putting a limit on your social media time can lead to better sleep, reduced anxiety, and a more stable mood.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

Tackling large problem areas with a team or community is another way to simplify your life. Enlisting the help of a Real Estate Agent when you’re preparing to purchase a home can help you save time, money, and stress. A Real Estate Agent can help you house hunt and schedule home showings for you, allotting more time for you to think about or tackle other major projects.

Use a Local Mortgage Lender

A Black woman holds a coffee cup in front of her laptop. The room is filled with light and she's smiling at someone just off camera.

In addition to a Real Estate Agent, when you use a mortgage lender like Homestead Funding, your mortgage lender is also your neighbor! Your local Loan Originator will be able to give you crucial local market knowledge that you can trust. With our Loan Originators’ experience and easy mortgage process, you’ll be in your new home in no time. When you’re ready to simplify your mortgage experience, contact us!

Ready to get started?

Homestead Funding offers exceptional customer service and a convenient mortgage process. Whatever your financing needs, our goal is to exceed your expectations.