March 9, 2021

A Guide to Celebrating Women's History Month

March is Women’s History Month in the US – a time for us to recognize, remember, and highlight the history, present, and future of women. In honor of this important month, we’ve compiled this brief history and list of ways to celebrate.

The History of Women’s History Month

How did Women’s History Month come to be? It all started with Women’s Day which has been around since 1911 and officially recognized by the UN in the 1970’s. From there, National Women’s History Week was declared by Jimmy Carter in 1980. This escalated even further when it was turned into Women’s History Month in 1987.

A lot of important events in women’s history have occurred in March, making it an appropriate time to celebrate. The first major suffragist march occurred in Washington, DC on March 3, 1913. Then, in March of 1917, the National Woman’s Party was formed. On March 22, 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment was passed.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

How to Celebrate

Study Some Women’s Rights History

This is a great opportunity to take some time to study the history of women’s rights as well as female historical figures. It’s also important to build some awareness of the issues still facing women today, so try taking some time to read up on this topic.

Buy from Women-Owned Businesses

It’s always great to support businesswomen but now is an extra special time to throw your dollars behind these women. Resolve to make all or many of your purchases this month from female-owned businesses.

Support a Nonprofit that Helps Women and Girls

There are tons of great nonprofits that help women and girls in need – and they’re easy to find! Just do a quick internet search and you’ll be able to look through plenty of options. You can also consider volunteering for an organization near you. You can even try reaching out to the community by offering to tutor girls or donating supplies to families in need.

Reach Out to the Women in Your Life

We all have a lot of amazing women in our lives. You can give gifts to the women and girls you love or take some time to write them an appreciative note.

Watch Movies and TV Directed and Starred by Women

There are lots of movies and TV shows available on all your different streaming services that were made by women. Look for media starring women with female directors. This is a great way to support women and celebrate Women’s History Month.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou

Women should be supported and celebrated all year long, but this March, be sure to appreciate all the wonderful women in your life – we wouldn’t be where we are without them.

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